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Round steel wire rope

Production standard: "Wire Rope Sling Loop Cable" GB/T30587-2014
Product features: The salient features are softness, many lifting points, small space requirement and high load, which can be applied to work in a variety of environments with special machinery, and special requirements for lifting large parts.
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无接头绳圈索具的最小破断力是额定载荷的 5 倍。根据行业要求的不同也可采用其它安全系数,当承载重量被精确计算或测定,提升操作被监控和操纵,动态系数被限定时安全系数可按《钢丝绳吊索 环索》GB/T30587-2014 执行,即绳圈直径≤ 60mm 时安全系数取 5,绳圈直径Φ60 ~ Φ150mm 时安全系数为(6.330.022D),绳圈直径大于 Φ150mm 时安全系数不得小于 3. 绳圈周长最短为 50 倍索体直径. 吊点部位最小弯曲半径不得小于 1.5d. 无接头绳圈长度L根据客户要求定制